Actus Monde

Get Ready for the Cycling Boom — Experts Predict 30 Million Bicycle Sales by 2030 : (en anglais) Les experts prédisent 30 millions de vente de vélos en 2030, portés par les ventes de VAE

As the impacts of the Coronavirus change our lives and daily habits all across Europe, the continent is also experiencing an unprecedented cycling wave. On December 2nd, at the Bike Market Outlook & Perspectives Webinar, Cycling Industries Europe (CIE), the Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry (CONEBI) and the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), shared their groundbreaking outlook on the 2030 bicycle market considering the consequences of the pandemic on mobility behaviour.

The pan­dem­ic has caused a spark in bicy­cle pur­chas­es and has act­ed as a polit­i­cal cat­a­lyst for cycling invest­ments, effec­tive­ly reshap­ing the growth curve of the bicy­cle mar­ket. Euro­peans are expect­ed to buy an extra 10 mil­lion bikes per year by 2030, a whop­ping 47% more than the annu­al num­ber in 2019. The e-bike is the biggest dri­ver of the mar­ket surge, record­ing a 23% increase in sales between 2019 and 2020 despite many shops being closed dur­ing spring. 3.7 mil­lion e-bikes were sold in 2019 and, by 2030, experts expect e-bike sales to reach 17 mil­lion annu­al­ly in the EU28.


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