
This Decade’s Mobility Winner? The Bicycle

Bike-shar­ing has rev­o­lu­tion­ized urban trans­port over the last decade, and some stud­ies are pre­dict­ing that elec­tric bicy­cles, which are easy to use in hilly cities, will become the go-to mobil­i­ty solu­tion, with fore­casts of more than 130 mil­lion units set to be sold glob­al­ly between 2020 and 2023.

The num­ber of bike-shar­ing options in cities around the world has dou­bled since 2014, and the num­ber of bicy­cles in oper­a­tion has increased twen­ty-fold. Cities like Seville and Paris have deployed ambi­tious bicy­cle-based mobil­i­ty pro­grams, while in oth­ers, like New York, it has become the best and fastest option for get­ting around.

Obvi­ous­ly, bicy­cles aren’t for every­one, but it can, with the right plan­ning and means, be a very good way to decon­gest cities, both in terms of traf­fic den­si­ty and air qual­i­ty. Tech plat­forms such as Google Maps or Citymap­per already show the loca­tion of bicy­cles and avail­abil­i­ty at park­ing sta­tions in cities around the world, which is an impor­tant step, as is the fact that com­pa­nies such as Uber are mov­ing their pri­or­i­ty from cars to bicy­cles and scoot­ers for short jour­neys: both Uber and Lime are pon­der­ing flat-rate sys­tems to make the use of their fleets more attrac­tive.

From this point on, all that remains is for city halls to under­stand that the bicy­cle is the future of urban trans­port and pro­vide the appro­pri­ate invest­ment to build cycle lanes.

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