
Best cities for cycling

Dis­cov­er the best cities around the world to see on two wheels.

SIGHTSEEING ON FOOT is enlight­en­ing, albeit slow. Mean­while, cars let you cov­er a lot of ground, but also come with a sen­so­ry sac­ri­fice. Unlike oth­er modes of trans­porta­tion, bik­ing allows rid­ers to see, smell, hear, and feel a city, while still giv­ing pas­sen­gers a leg up on pedes­tri­ans.

When judged by their infra­struc­ture (des­ig­nat­ed bike lanes, road­side rentals, inter­na­tion­al air­port access), bik­er friend­li­ness (from both dri­vers and pedes­tri­ans), and visu­al appeal (easy to look at and get around), these are the best cycling cities in the world.

Source : Best cities for cycling