
Cyclists Are More Law-Abiding Than Drivers | Outside Online

Une étude de Floride démon­tre que les usagers du vélo respectent mieux les règles que les motorisés.

A new study—commissioned by the Flori­da Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion and con­duct­ed by sci­en­tists at the Uni­ver­si­ty of South Florida’s Cen­ter for Urban Trans­porta­tion Research—is pret­ty damn inter­est­ing. To cut to the chase: the study, the largest of its kind ever attempt­ed, con­clud­ed that cyclists were slight­ly more com­pli­ant with traf­fic laws than dri­vers.

Source : Cyclists Are More Law-Abid­ing Than Dri­vers | Out­side Online