
Etats-Unis : How to Bike in the City, With the Bike Snob | lifehacker [<span class="caps">AUDIO</span>]

Une émis­sion de radio sur le vélo en ville avec Eben Weiss, auteur de The Ulti­mate Bicy­cle Owner’s Man­u­al: The Uni­ver­sal Guide to Bikes, Rid­ing, and Every­thing for Begin­ner and Sea­soned Cyclists

We’ll find out what some peo­ple have against manda­to­ry hel­met laws, how cities can make their streets safer for cyclists, and why it’s not worth it to argue with a motorist (but it is worth it to qui­et­ly hate them)…

Source : How to Bike in the City, With the Bike Snob